Author(s) : Dr. Henning Stieglitz 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Urbanization and the increasing effects of climate change have meant the supply of fresh water and the disposal of wastewater, have become increasingly important in recent years. It is foreseeable that this demand will continue and intensify. In this context, plastic pipe plays a major role due to its unique...
Author(s) : Ton Schoenmaker 2023 Lake Buena Vista
For years the way of producing a flow profile for Inspection Chambers and Manholes could be divided into 3 methods: Injection moulding, Roto moulding and Hand assembling. For the standard orientations, for example straight through and cross, the IM profile integrated with a base is by far the best option. But for...
Author(s) : Ludo Debever , Peter Sejersen 2023 Lake Buena Vista
The Circular Plastics Alliance is an initiative under the European Strategy for Plastics. TEPPFA is one of more than 300 signatures for the Alliance. We thereby committed to a significant contribution to boosting the EU market for recycled plastics to 10 million tonnes by 2025. Moreover, one of the must win battles...
Author(s) : Shad Sargand, Issam Khoury, John Kurdziel 2023 Lake Buena Vista
One solution in development for managing runoff water is the buried stormwater drainage retention tank or “crate”. The crate is typically a rectangular box structure made of thermoplastic components (flat panels and columns) assembled in a modular form. The function of the top panel is to transfer the load to the...
Author(s) : Ajay Taraiya, Peter Degenhart, Mark Boerakker 2023 Lake Buena Vista
In PPXX, a technology was presented for the first time that could bi-axially orient polyolefin pipes. With this technology, it is possible to prepare pipes that have a performance far beyond the standard ones. One approach to achieving this performance is via a continuous in-line process. To optimize the in-line...
Author(s) : Olivera Bilic, Vivek Rohatgi, Brody Peterson, David Hukill 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Demand for conduit pipe is expected to surge globally due to rapid industrialization and urbanization in residential and commercial sectors. Just in the U.S., according to Market Research analysis, expected growth of the plastic conduit pipe market is at a CAGR of more than 5% over the next ten years. In response to...
Author(s) : Federico Muñoz 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Following the recent approval of European Standards series EN 1555 for Polyethylene piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels which introduces the PE100RC, a new material with enhanced resistance to Slow Crack Growth (SCG) and anticipating the imminent revision of European Standard series EN 12201 for...
Author(s) : Joseph Melesio Venegas 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Digital tools can be a catalyst to accelerate the change we need to meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement (“The Paris Agreement”). Across all industries and all walks of life we need to speed up the pace of sustainable innovation. Fortunately, within the plastic pipe industry we have several forms of...
Author(s) : Xin Zhou, Abdullah Saber, Shuqiang Wang, Huilong Chen 2023 Lake Buena Vista
PE-RT II (PE100 classification) is designed >50 years lifespan at elevated temperature which aims to the growing demands on the applications of hot water and other industrial applications. District heating is a growing market in Greater China. However, the conventional pipes have serious corrosion issue in this...
Author(s) : Kevin Copher, Patrick Vibien 2023 Lake Buena Vista
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) conduit is a durable product designed to protect cables for multiple generations buried underground or encased in concrete. Conduit is subject to coiling stresses, installation stresses and in-service stresses, such as those generated from installed curvature, soil loading, or rock...
Author(s) : Joe Babcanec, P.E., Issam Khoury, Ph.D, P.E., Shad Sargand, 2023 Lake Buena Vista
The use of corrugated HDPE and PP pipe for gravity flow storm sewers is a growing trend throughout the United States. Many of these drainage pipes are buried in shallow cover conditions under roads with heavy traffic. It is well established that thermoplastic pipe installations under shallow cover respond differently...
Author(s) : Dolores Herran 2023 Lake Buena Vista
MOLECOR continuing with its line of leading water infrastructure sector with its technological products, has recently developed a software that can be used through a mobile application or web browser with which users can digitalize and geolocate the different pieces that form a water infrastructure network. This is a...
Author(s) : Yi Zhong, Qianshi Ma, Haihua Yu 2023 Lake Buena Vista
BSTRACT The residential district adopts central heating for low temperature radiators system. Due to the disrepair of the secondary heating pipe network that pipe from heat exchange station to user entrance, the running, leaking, dripping and leakage are serious, and the accidents occur frequently. The heat...
Author(s) : Steve Sandstrum, Kevin Shanahan, Sarah Patterson 2023 Lake Buena Vista
2023 marks the 50-year anniversary of ASTM International’s (ASTM) F17 Committee on Plastics Piping Systems. Since its inception in 1973, ASTM F17 has played a pivotal role in the sustained growth and expansion in the use of plastics piping systems in North America and around the globe. Standardization has been...
Author(s) : Chris Ampfer, P.E., Harvey Svetlik, P.E. 2023 Lake Buena Vista
The current polyethylene (PE) pipe bending limits (longitudinal and circumferential deflection) are based on a circumferential (tangential) strain tolerance limit of approximately 1%. Research in the late 1970’s using constant tensile strain focused on what strain can be imposed on HDPE by bending and not have it...
Author(s) : Shawn R Coombs, PE 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Pipelines through embankments should be designed to withstand extreme weather-related events and everyday stressors. As extreme weather-related events are on the rise because of climate change, it is important to ensure proper design, construction, and inspection practices are understood and executed. This paper...
Author(s) : Robin Bresser, Ilari Aho, Shima Holder, Tijana Duric, Kaisa Suvilampi 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Through innovation and experience, PEX pipe solutions have been enabling comfortable heating and safe plumbing with a successful 50-year track record. They are an important facilitator of the green energy transition and the ambitious climate targets of, for example, the European Union (EU) Green Deal by enabling...
Author(s) : Ricardo Pascual 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Social awareness with aspects related to the conservation of the environment and sustainability, the acceptance by citizens of the need to reduce consumption, reuse products, repair as far as possible and, fundamentally, the action of recycling at the end of its life, facilitates the availability of recycled plastics...
Author(s) : Shane Harton, Andrew Sell, Carl Dolgow 2023 Lake Buena Vista
The torque rheometer has been the standard instrument used in poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) quality control (QC) testing for decades. ASTM D2538 has provided standard, comprehensive testing and analysis procedures since 1969 that have allowed the vinyl industry to coalesce around this simple, yet robust, set of...
Author(s) : Amster Howard 2023 Lake Buena Vista
This paper explores the use of a composite soil stiffness as a valuable design tool to consider when a pipeline traverses through poor soil conditions. Thermoplastic pipe are flexible pipe and require good soil support at the sides of the pipe to minimize deflection. However, sometimes the trench walls are weak soils...
Author(s) : Anders Andtbacka, Peter Sejersen 2023 Lake Buena Vista
In March 1999, a project report on the performance of buried Thermoplastics pipes was published by TEPPFA /1/. In the report, deflection and strain data on buried pipes were analyzed and compared with calculation results from several well-known static calculation models in use in Europe. Pipes were installed to...
Author(s) : Michael O’Rourke 2023 Lake Buena Vista
The required wall thickness for a fully fused HDPE water main subject to an earthquake induced lateral spread is addressed in this paper. The water main is assumed to be buried via cut and cover (i.e., open cut with typical burial depths in the 2 to 15 feet range) procedures and any laterals have small diameters. For...
Author(s) : James F. Mason, Akshay Ponda, Hermann van Laak, Tobias Bauer 2023 Lake Buena Vista
The long-term strength of unplasticized polyamide 12 (PA-U12) has been characterized using standard methods for plastic pressure pipe during the qualification process for use in buried piping systems for natural gas delivery operating at low ambient temperatures, usually less than 20 to 30°C at pressures...
Author(s) : Dr. Michael Pluimer, Sara Stone 2023 Lake Buena Vista
The Notched Constant Ligament Stress test (NCLS test, ASTM F2136)[1] is a test method that measures the slow crack growth in High Density Polyethylene. The NCLS test requires a notch on all test specimens to act as a stress concentration at that point so crack propagation can be easily predicted and studied. In...
Author(s) : Ernst van der Stok, Mirko Wenzel, Thomas Kratochvilla, Kurt Engelsing, Werner Weßing, Britta Gerets 2023 Lake Buena Vista
It has not been possible to derive an accelerated procedure for the Point Load Test (PLT) as a pipe test before now. Further research and testing were therefore needed to establish appropriate requirements for standards including EN 1555-1 to rule out uncertainty in the market. The PLT is a central product test for...
Author(s) : Sunwoong Choi, Robert Stakenborghs , Pyeongan Lee, Byoungho Choi 2023 Lake Buena Vista
This work developed a hydro-axial tension (HAT) test as a whole pipe axial tensile test and applied to evaluate the polyethylene (PE) pipe and fusion joints containing various flaws. HAT test was designed to utilize hydrostatic pressure to cause axial tension in pipes. The experimental and numerical analysis was...
Author(s) : Norbert Jansen 2023 Lake Buena Vista
A practical requirement of temperature resistance of minimum 50 years at 70°C was established for the extra high voltage (EHV) corridor projects in Germany. Experts have debated what tests are best suited to prove the suitability of a pipe resin for cable protection pipes which may be installed hastily and under...
Author(s) : Jacob John, Suresh Shenoy, Patrik Roseen 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) pipes continue to gain popularity in plumbing and indoor climate applications around the globe. This study focuses on increasing the sustainability of PEX pipes by utilizing recycled PEX and production waste streams into PEX production. Different methods available for recycling and the...
Author(s) : Aisha Khaleel, Suleyman Deveci, Sulistiyanto Nugroho, Fatima AlHameli 2023 Lake Buena Vista
The use of polyethylene pipes in transportation networks of pressurized water and gas have shown superb performance over the history. High density, high-molecular-weight, and bi-modal polyethylene materials, known as PE80, PE100 and PE100RC, have successfully served the market for many years in standard applications....
Author(s) : Jessica Hinczica, Mario Messiha, Florian Arbeiter, Gerald Pinter 2023 Lake Buena Vista
In Europe, only 1.8 million tons of recycled material is processed in new products within the building and construction sector [1]. Recyclates and blends of recyclates with virgin materials are already used for different products in the plastic pipe industry, such as cable trays, or storm water management...
Author(s) : Jiyong Park, JaeHyuck Han, YoungGu Kim, Eunjin Park 2023 Lake Buena Vista
This study investigates the influence of various parameters on polymer design to determine the slow crack growth. HDPE(High Density Polyethylene) materials with different molecular weight distribution and comonomer content for PE100-RC pipe were investigated with cracked round bar test. The cracked round bar test...
Author(s) : Jie Wu, Yushan Hu, Todd Hogan 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Recycling of plastic materials is key to demonstrating that these high value materials are much more than a waste stream and a key component of a sustainable future. The plastic pipe market effectively utilizes in-plant recycle systems where standards and codes allow processors to recapture the value of these...
Author(s) : Michael Pluimer, Christian Herrild, Patrick Vibien 2023 Lake Buena Vista
With enhanced interest in a circular economy and the potential use of recycled HDPE within HDPE conduit, a research project was undertaken to investigate the necessary technical requirements when using recycled HDPE. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) conduit is a durable product designed to protect cables...
Author(s) : Mitsuaki TOKIYOSHI, Yutaka SAWADA, Yasuhiko OTSUKI, Kensei INOUE, Takashi KURIYAMA, Toshinori KAWABATA 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Polyethylene reinforced with short glass fibres (PE-sGF) pipe, manufactured by combining short fiber glass (sGF) with PE100 as a reinforcing material, has a higher pipe rigidity in the pipe circumferential direction than that of PE100 because of the reinforcing effect of the reinforcing material and a performance...
Author(s) : Paul J. Freudenthaler, Joerg Fischer, Yi Liu 2023 Lake Buena Vista
The European Commission set demandingly high recycling targets which will, when followed, eventually create an increased supply of polypropylene (PP) post-consumer recyclates (PCRs). No regulations currently mandate the use of recycled PP (rPP), so the industry is challenged to explore possibilities to utilize these...
Author(s) : Kevin White, Shad Sargand 2023 Lake Buena Vista
The current standard of practice for the installation of agricultural mains is in accordance with ASTM F449, Standard Practice for Subsurface Installation of Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe for Agricultural Drainage or Water Table Control. ASTM F449 has several limitations. Currently, the allowable maximum height of...
Author(s) : Steve Torchia, Justyn Miller, Gavin Guo 2023 Lake Buena Vista
In the polymer world, the balance between processability and finished product property is always a hot theme. Converters are continuously evaluating the potential options to reduce total costs by increasing line speed, reducing energy consumption to obtain improved product property with lower scrap rate. Among them,...
Author(s) : Antonio Rodolfo Jr., Vanderley M. John 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Unplasticized (U-PVC) ABNT NBR 5647-2 regular industrial pipe samples, with nominal diameter DN 100, outside diameter 110 mm, nominal wall thickness 7.8 mm, Ca/Zn stabilized, were studied using an essential work of fracture (EWF) approach. These pipe samples were also tested for the degree of gelation via...
Author(s) : Rafael A. García-Muñoz, Rafael Juan, Mónica de la Cruz, Beatriz Paredes, Carlos Domínguez 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Plastics are widely used in various industries, resulting in the generation of significant amounts of plastic waste, which causes environmental and economic problems. Although mechanical recycling is the most commonly employed technology, the resulting recyclates often suffer from degradation and contamination. This...
Author(s) : Carine Lacroix, Philippe Louvel, Danielle Mark, Dominique Gueugnaut 2023 Lake Buena Vista
A test program was carried out on two Polyamide resins, Polyamide 11 (PA11) and Polyamide 12 (PA12), both certified for gas networks. Polyamide’s advantage lies in its implementation, similar to that of polyethylene, and its properties allowing it to operate at up to 18 bar for gas, all other conditions being equal....
Author(s) : Shane Schuessler, Richard Coombs, Mohamed Hageb, Abdullah Saber, Grigorios Vigellis, Chandra Basavaraju 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Bordered by Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo sits Lake Kivu, an African Great Lake formed along the East African Rift. Lake Kivu is one of the world’s deepest freshwater lakes and contains enormous quantities of dissolved carbon dioxide and methane gas held at depths greater than 1100 feet (350 meters)....
Author(s) : Cindy Bray 2023 Lake Buena Vista
For over two decades, the plastics pipe industry in Australia has aimed to recycle the maximum amount of usable plastic pipe and other suitable materials into new plastic pipes through programs such as take-back schemes and providing collection facilities on manufacturing sites. In Australia long-term sustainability...
Author(s) : Tobias Johnsen, Ole Grøndahl Hansen 2023 Lake Buena Vista
With a growing global population that will primarily settle in urban areas, more and more agricultural land will be converted into dwellings, roads etc. As the demand for food in 2050 will be 60% greater than today, a conflict between Sustainable Development Goals 2 (Zero Hunger) and 11 (Sustainable Cities and...
Author(s) : Gerald Pinter, Lukas Travnicek, Johannes Wiener, Jan Poduska, Florian Arbeiter, Pavel Hutar 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Crack initiation and subsequent crack growth are known to be the key factors which determine the final lifetime of a polymeric pipe. Subsequently, exact knowledge regarding the crack growth behavior is a key issue to guarantee safe operation. Furthermore, novel concepts are needed to satisfy increasing demands, for...
Author(s) : Zhanjie Wang, Jing Guo, Lin Wang 2023 Lake Buena Vista
In the past two years, the Chinese plastic pipe industry has faced a complex and changeable development situation. The domestic economy has faced the pressure of demand shrinkage, supply impact, and expected weakness, and the market has changed greatly. The impact of the Covid-19 and the influence of many unfavorable...
Author(s) : Márton Bredács, Jutta Geier, Mario Messiha, Gernot Oreski, Gerald Koinig, Raphael Horvath, Szilveszter Gergely, Gerald Pinter 2023 Lake Buena Vista
In 2020, the global plastics production was 367 million tons. In Europe 20 % was used in the building and construction sector to manufacture in significant proportion polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) pipes [1]. To increase the current 30 % recycling rate, it is crucial to improve the quality of recyclates and...
Author(s) : Yanlei Hu, Jin Sun 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Slow crack growth is the main reason for brittle failure of polyethylene pipes. At present, the traditional slow crack growth test generally has many problems, such as too long test time, using chemical reagents that pollute the environment, poor reproducibility, etc., which limit the accurate evaluation of the slow...
Author(s) : Rachel Anderson, Rujul Mehta, Alex Stolarz, Todd Hogan, Stephanie Whited, Joel Wieliczko 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Growing worldwide demand for sustainably made irrigation systems has driven the creation of new resins for longer-lasting, more durable, recycle friendly, and cost-effective pipe that can better tolerate extreme conditions year after year. Microirrigation systems deliver vital water and nutrients where they’re needed...
Author(s) : Dr. Tania Weyland, Dr. Tobias Eltze, Dr. Rolf Wittlinger, Marie-Laure Bertet, Gregor Huber 2023 Lake Buena Vista
A significant amount of water is lost in transit from the water treatment plant to the consumer. A major cause of water leakages is the deterioration of assets including the use of disinfectants. Using chlorine-based disinfectants is known to be extremely effective in eliminating waterborne pathogens, but they also...
Author(s) : Lucy Croker, Matthew Hynes, Cindy Bray 2023 Lake Buena Vista
In Australia, the first Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) covering plastic pipes were published circa 2015/16 by two local manufacturers, supported by the peak industry association. Although this was a milestone event at the time, the reality was that the broader industry did not understand the information...
Author(s) : Roland Valk, René Hermkens, Sjoerd Jansma 2023 Lake Buena Vista
The use of hydrogen gas as an energy carrier is seen as a key component of the energy transition. This creates new challenges, including in relation to the transport and distribution of this gas. The low-pressure (natural) gas distribution grid in the Netherlands currently consists of 64% PVC and is presumed to be...
Author(s) : Nayib Joussef, Chris Zenthoefer, Sergio Vaccaro 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Butt fusion of HDPE pipe has long been shown to be an extremely beneficial process in producing leak-free, monolithic piping systems. Continued growth of the Chilean mining sector has necessitated a substantial increase in polyethylene pipe sizes and wall thicknesses, with diameters well beyond 630 mm up to 2m...
Author(s) : A. Marangoni 2023 Lake Buena Vista
The competitiveness of plastic pipes vs. non plastic pipes for water and sewer networks relies on both a superior performance to cost ratio and environmental benefits that can be offered to the utility industry, across the whole lifecycle of these networks. In order to help the European pipe network owners in...
Author(s) : Carlos Domínguez, Predrag Micic, Rafael Juan, Nuria Robledo, Rafael A. García-Muñoz 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Slow Crack Growth (SCG) resistance is the main property that must be controlled for assessing the long-term performance on polyethylene resins used for pipe application. The latest generation of bimodal and multimodal ethylene-α-olefin copolymers with exceptional balance of mechanical properties and processability...
Author(s) : Ernst van der Stok, Nadia Luijsterburg-Vleugels 2023 Lake Buena Vista
The latest generation of polyethylene grades (PE 100-RC and PE 4710 PLUS) have an increased resistance to slow crack growth. Such cracks can be initiated by either a scratch during installation or a rock indentation during use. The Accelerated Notch Pipe Test (ANPT) was standardized in ISO 13479 in 2022 to allow the...
Author(s) : Tobias Johnsen 2023 Lake Buena Vista
To ensure the highest possible quality of plastic pipes for the Nordic market, the Nordic Poly Mark currently only allows virgin material or own reprocessed material. In order to accelerate the circular plastic pipe economy in the Nordics, a partnership between a PVC pipe waste collection system, a PVC pipe producer...
Author(s) : Peter Sejersen, Ludo Debever 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Microplastics in drinking water and in food in general has been a topic with ever increasing interest since a publication of a study in the British newspaper The Guardian. The microplastics topic has also high focus on governmental level, e.g. in Germany where a report of Fraunhofer Umsicht /1/ estimates the amount...
Author(s) : Chantz Denowh, Robert Stakenborghs, Liang Yu 2023 Lake Buena Vista
The use of spoolable reinforced thermoplastic pipe (RTP) technologies in the onshore oil and gas industry has expanded significantly over the past decade. It is anticipated that interest will only continue to grow as oil and gas operators transition to transporting alternative fuels such as hydrogen and carbon...
Author(s) : Amster Howard 2023 Lake Buena Vista
This paper focuses on the confusing plethora of choices that a design engineer in the United States faces when selecting installation instructions for buried pressure thermoplastic pipelines. For polyethylene pipe, the decision is between AWWA Manual M55, ASTM D2774, ASTM F1668, the PPI Handbook, MAB-3, PE Field...
Author(s) : Chris Greggs 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Much has been done to improve the quality and efficiency of HDPE pipe installations over the years. Now, a totally new concept for fusion where the machine meets the pipe where it lays to improve worksite safety, boost jobsite efficiency, and minimize the amount of time spent between fusions has been developed. This...
Author(s) : Vincent W. Stone, Arjen Sevenster 2023 Lake Buena Vista
The production of the plastic resin is one of the principal contributors to the lifecycle environmental impacts of a plastic pipe. For the climate impact, up to two-thirds of the footprint of a plastic pipe can be accounted by the plastic resin. Accurate cradle-to-grave lifecycle analyses for plastic pipes heavily...
Author(s) : Jay Parvez, Richard Nichols 2023 Lake Buena Vista
All thermoplastic and thermoset pipes must consider the impacts of cyclic loading on overall performance. Since its first use, PVC pipes have been tested for its resilience to such loading. As testing evolved over time, the method to determine cyclic capacity for gasketed PVC pipes has improved. Previously, the...
Author(s) : White G. Jee 2023 Lake Buena Vista
“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were...
Author(s) : Peter Youssef, Sultan Alkendi, Hussein Basha 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Bahr El-Baqar Water Treatment Plant, produces 2 billion m3 per year, introduces a sustainable solution for environmental pollution recovery and irrigation water source (via recycling the water of Bahr El- Baqar drain); whereas it protects the environment and generates water to support the cultivation of 4000 km2 in...
Author(s) : Michael Pluimer, PhD, Joseph Babcanec, PE 2023 Lake Buena Vista
While corrugated HDPE pipes are still the dominant plastic pipe product in the United States for culvert and storm sewer applications, Corrugated polypropylene pipes have continued to gain market share over the past decade. There are currently several different ASTM and AASHTO standards for these products, including...
Author(s) : Karin Jacobson, Daniel Ejdeholm 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Plastic pipes often have much better corrosion resistance than metallic pipes and have, in addition, the benefits of low weight and flexibility. Thanks to this, they are often used to convey chemicals. There is, however, still a large potential for a much more extensive use of plastic pipes for this application. The...
Author(s) : Chris Ziu, Deanne Hughes, Steve Sandstrum 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Plastic pipe is an environmentally responsible choice for a broad array of piping applications. The exceptional chemical/corrosion resistance, superior joining techniques and overall durability of these piping products have resulted in industry-leading life-cycle analyses (LCA’s) in the applications for which they...
Author(s) : Dr. Jan Hendrik Beckmann 2023 Lake Buena Vista
For several decades now plastic pipes have been measured in-line [1]. However, currently used technologies also challenge the user in many ways, either by elaborate conversion work on the system for dimensional changes or by frequent calibration procedures [2] or in some cases the use of water as coupling medium [3]....
Author(s) : Ignacio Muñoz 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Society has recently lived few strange and peculiar years, to say the least. COVID impacted personal lives, businesses, industries. And it is undeniable, the big elephant in the room arrived years before COVID and will remain much more: CLIMATE CHANGE. As broad as this topic is, this paper focuses on the impact that...
Author(s) : Norbert Jansen, Andrew Wedgner, Rainer Kloth 2023 Lake Buena Vista
PE100+ Association(client) has sponsored a technical investigation to define the permeation rate of hydrogen through polyethylene pipes at an external expert laboratory. Four different types of PE pipe materials in the same pipe size and SDR17 have been evaluated at 3 different target temperatures 8°C, 14°C and 20°C,...
Author(s) : J. Lahoz 2023 Lake Buena Vista
An investigation project was launched in 2020 to clarify the relationships between the processing conditions and the design lifetime of PVC-U 250 pipes. Ca/Zn stabilized pressure pipes were extruded with different processing temperatures and characterized by their DSC B-onset temperature and degree of gelation. Their...
Author(s) : Suleyman Deveci, Aisha Khaleel, Birkan Eryigit 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Short and long term hydrostatic pressure resistance of plastic pipes are measured according to ISO 1167, by applying an internal pressure that is calculated for the target hoop stress considering outer diameter and wall thickness of the pipe samples. Due to the nature of the extrusion process, wall thickness...
Author(s) : Kevin White, Shad Sargand 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Re-rounding is a technique for remediating excess deflection in corrugated highdensity polyethylene (HDPE) pipe meeting AASHTO M-294 with diameters between 12" and 60" using a pneumatic device vibrating from within the pipe and pushing against the inside crown and inverted to redistribute the surrounding backfill and...
Author(s) : Ludo Debever, Peter Sejersen 2023 Lake Buena Vista
The Circular Economy Action Plan is a major building block of Europe’s Green Deal, the European Climate Change strategy. It has far-reaching consequences for the entire EU industrial fabric and its business models. The EU’s transition from a linear to a circular economy aims to reduce on natural resources and pave...
Author(s) : Steven L. Barfuss 2023 Lake Buena Vista
In 2022, USU completed the most comprehensive water main break survey ever undertaken in North America to determine the performance of different pipe materials. More than 800 utilities responded to the survey. The survey respondents from this study represent 410,000 miles or 16.7% out of an estimated 2.45 million...
Author(s) : Harry Mavridis 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Demand for thick-wall (i.e., greater than about 2”-3” in thickness[15] ) HDPE pressure pipe is increasing worldwide for water, mining and oil & gas gathering applications. Resin producers have been developing HDPE resins that combine performance requirements (PE4710 or PE100) with processability attributes needed for...
Author(s) : Kathryn Foster 2023 Lake Buena Vista
NSF/ANSI/CAN 61: Drinking Water System Components: Health Effects1 (NSF 61) is North America’s flagship standard for drinking water system components. This standard establishes health-based criteria to address the potential contaminants and impurities that are directly imparted to drinking water from the wetted...
Author(s) : Dr. Ricky Selle 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Structural behavior of flexible plastic manholes is very different from rigid concrete products. Although this is state-of-the-art knowledge, no international or EN standard exists on structural design of these products. Therefore, traditional soil models and soil pressure coefficients are usually applied if...
Author(s) : Guido Quesada 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Spigot bevels (also referred to as chamfers) for plastic pipe joints using elastomeric seals are well-known and often prescribed in standards such as ISO 1452 for PVC-U and 16422 for PVC-O. The most common type of bevel is a simple straight cut at a 15° angle with respect to the pipe axis, leaving approximately 50%...
Author(s) : Ali M Alghamdi, Recep Yaldiz, Faisal Almana, Yousof Ghazzawi, Abdul Rahim Arafath, Ratnesh Khandelwal, Azzedine Kioul, Turki Al-Shahrani, Salem Al-Anazi, Sarfraz Abbasi, Mohammed Aljasser, Parthipan B, Kavya A, Harm Caelers 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Reinforced thermoplastic pipes (RTPs) are multilayer structured pipes reinforced with high-strength materials such as fibers (glass, aramid, or carbon fibers). RTPs are used to transport highly corrosive mediums at elevated pressures and temperatures. An example of that is the use of RTP in the Oil & Gas industry to...
Author(s) : Riwu Yao, Fengyao Ni, Jinkui Wu, Zhiyong Kong, Jianfeng Shi , Jinyang Zheng 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Plastic pipelines have been widely used in various industries, such as gas and oil transmission and nuclear power plants. The safe operation of pipelines is a critical concern in applications, and structural health monitoring methods of plastic pipelines are attracting broad interest in both industry and academia. In...
Author(s) : Yunyan Li, Qianshi Ma, Haihua Yu 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Effect of sunlight and high temperature on PE-Xa pipe’s performance was investigated in this work. Pipes with different formulations, including formulations without and only with antioxidant, and formulation with both antioxidant and light stabilizer were employed to study the relationship of cross-linking density,...
Author(s) : Guido Quesada, Mark Weih 2023 Lake Buena Vista
The Plastic Retainer Ring (PRR) gasket is an old friend of pipe joints, and it is still used among other sealing solutions developed more recently. With origins traced back to the end of the 1960s, it is recognized among the first solutions developed for gasketed plastic pipe joints. It is very likely to have...
Author(s) : Jennifer Ravereau, Catherine GIORNI, Benjamin RABAUD, Frederic Mohier, Mehdi Ahmadi 2023 Lake Buena Vista
Pipe installation and renewal are critical for network management and extension both in terms of cost and of logistics for installation. Plastic materials, as polyethylene, are constantly evolving to offer additional benefits (chemical resistance improvement, mechanical resistance, innovative functionalities)....
Author(s) : Edward Alan Ambler, Dustin Langston 2023 Lake Buena Vista
The Alliance for PE Pipe (PEA) kicked off its Certified Professionals Program in 2022 with ten individuals in the inaugural year of the program. The Certified Professionals Program has been developed in order to enhance knowledge of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) within the municipal water and wastewater markets...
Author(s) : Luciana Oriqui, Mauro Adamo Seabra, Antonio Rodolfo Jr. 2023 Lake Buena Vista
The Brazilian PVC pipe industry maintains specific mechanisms of intense and continuous evaluation of the products regularly offered to the market. These programs are carried out by an independent third-party technical entity, within known public rules and based on the best practices of conformity assessment. Their...
Author(s) : Paul O’Regan, Nigel Cassidy, Neil Wallace 2023 Lake Buena Vista
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has estimated that the building sector accounts for 38% of world-wide energy-related CO2 emissions and that the construction industry is responsible for nearly 30% of this figure. Modern-day pipes, sewers and water drainage systems are predominantly made of materials...
Author(s) : Peter Sejersen, Ilari Aho 2023 Lake Buena Vista
European standardization of plastic pipe systems has been on the agenda since the eighties and almost all applications are now described in common European standards. An important expectance however is the hygienic requirements of pipes for drinking water: Most of the EU Member States currently do not coordinate...
Author(s) : Roland Valk 2023 Lake Buena Vista
To gain an insight into the residual quality of first-generation polyethylene (PE) pipes used in the Dutch gas distribution grid, pipe segments from all over the Netherlands were excavated by the Dutch Distribution System Operators (DSOs) and tested by Kiwa Technology. The residual quality was determined by...
Author(s) : Andrew Wedgner, Robin Bresser 2023 Lake Buena Vista
PE100 pipes are the most widely used material for the installation, rehabilitation and replacement of pressure pipes for water and gas supply and for pressure sewers. Such pipes can be installed using a broad range of trenchless technologies and hence the selection of the most appropriate method and identification of...
Author(s) : Giorgio Tabanelli 2023 Lake Buena Vista
In plastic pipes for the distribution of pressurized water, the jointing technique using a Rieber-type socket is mainly used for PVC-U pipes. In such a socket, the gasket is integral part of the socket wall, and is no longer removable or even replaceable. On the other hand, in Molecularly Oriented Polyvinyl Chloride...
Author(s) : White G. Jee, Leonardo Cortes, Ph.D., Bill Gauthier, Ph.D. 2023 Lake Buena Vista
ABSTRACT In the production of quality HDPE pressure piping system components (pipe and fittings), the manufacturer(s) may have the option to utilize a PE4710 or PE100 black compound or the use of in-line compounding (aka, “salt and pepper” blending). From a technical and commercial perspective, there are advantages...
Author(s) : Richard Nichols, Jay Parvez 2023 Lake Buena Vista
This paper aims to inform users about the improved environmental impacts of PVC pipe reported in the new 2023 Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). The PVC pipe industry published a life cycle assessment (LCA) and environmental performance review of underground piping in North America conducted according to ISO...
Author(s) : Vincent W. Stone 2023 Lake Buena Vista
VinylPlus 2030 is the 10-year voluntary Commitment of the European PVC industry to Sustainable Development launched in June 2021. With its renewed Commitment, VinylPlus aims to contribute proactively to addressing the global sustainability challenges and priorities. Building upon a track record of 20+ years of...
Author(s) : Mario Messiha, Jessica Hinczica, Márton Bredàcs, Alwin Huisjes, Florian Arbeiter, Gerald Pinter 2023 Lake Buena Vista
BSTRACT Engineering structures, such as operating plastic pipes, are often submitted to unexpected influences that may shorten their lifetime. An increasing understanding about the processes that govern these sudden failures has been attained in the last decades. This has led to a remarkable improvement of pipe...
Author(s) : Dipl. Ing. Rainer Vießmann 2023 Lake Buena Vista
The production of PVC pipes is mainly produced on counter rotating twin screw extruders as the PVC Dryblend material is readily available in powder form. Whereas PVC granules, mainly processed on single screw extruders, play a minor role in pipe production for economic reasons. The design of the extruder screws has a...