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Plastic Pipes Conference Association # 1970 Southampton

In this section, you will find a database of all articles presented and published by PPCA in biannual conferences organized by PPCA since 1970.

Agrement Assessment - Testing for Performance

Author(s) : Lant 1970 Southampton

The case for the Agrement Board is argued in the White Paper ! The Assessment of New Building Products published by HMSO in 1965 and in it the purpose of the Agrement Board is described. It is to facilitate the introduction of new products into building by llauthoritative and independent assessment of new materials...

Applications for Plastics Piping in Marine Laboratories

Author(s) : Brown 1970 Southampton

An early record of the use of a l'plastictl or flexible pipe is in 1733 when the Re\/. Stephen Hales wished to measure the blood pressure of a horse. He had a brass canula, to insert into an artery, and a long glass tube; but he had to find a flexible pipe to connect the two. His solution was to use the trachea, or...

British Standards for Plastics Pipes

Author(s) : Jones 1970 Southampton

This paper has been prepared to give a brief description of British Standard Specifications with particular reference to the structure within the British Standards lnstitution dealing with Standards for plastics pipe and fittings. The British Standards lnstitution is the recognized authority for the preparation of...

Cold Water Plumbing Services in Plastics Piping

Author(s) : Cooper 1970 Southampton

The use of plastics piping for the conveyance of cold water goes bsck uell over 30 years, when polythene tube was first used for the purpose in experimental installations. It was not until 135.3, however, that a Brltish Staridarcl was published foe Po!ythene Pipe for Cold Water Services - in those days there was, of...

Experience with Plastics Pipe in the Water Supply Industry

Author(s) : Gill, Law 1970 Southampton

The pricipal plastics materials used for the distribution of potable water supplies in this comtry are uPVC and polythene. uPVC is now available in pipe sizes up to 24 in. and its use in the UK has increased rapidly since the first pipe of this material was laid in 1958. Polythene pipes have been used for rather...

Flow Characteristics of Plastics Pipes

Author(s) : Lamont 1970 Southampton

An examination of the available flow records for plastics and similar pipes against the theoretical background of the Friction Factor/Reynolds Number Graph, and a comparison of these with a number of exponential smooth pipe formulae in common use, with comments on their suitability for plastics pipes. The paper...

Main Laying Techniques for Plastics Pipes

Author(s) : Trebucq 1970 Southampton

This paper is written primarily will unplasticised PVC plpes in mind although the general principles will apply to all plastics materials. It must however be accepted that in the laying of a pipe, good laying practice must be observed and a knowledge of the properties of the pipe being laid is necessary if trouble...

Moleplough Laying Techniques for Plastic Pipes

Author(s) : Jackson 1970 Southampton

There is evidence that moleploughing was used in this country during the Roman occupatior, From Roman times to the present date, the principle has been partially exploited, primari ly in agriculture. Spasmodic appearances of less conventional applications have occurred but only in very recent times has the full...

Paper 15 - Large Diameter Helix Pipes

Author(s) : Hazell 1970 Southampton

The subject of this paper is the behaviour of large diameter pipes made by the spiral winding process, inwhich a band of molten polyolefine is extruded onto a heated mandrel. The mandrel traverses to produce an overlap of about 10 mm which is compressed by a roller to form a continuous weld. As many passes as...

Plastics in Food Processing

Author(s) : Brighton 1970 Southampton

The use of plastics pipes in food processing applications calls for the same mechanical and physical properties as are required in other uses. There are, however, a number of additional criteria which have to be considered. Food for human consumption has to meet the numerous regulations which are issued by the...

Plastics Pipes & Fittings for Chemical Process Work

Author(s) : Howie 1970 Southampton

It Is a happy coincidence for the author of this paper that it should be presented in the University which, long ago, endeavoured to equip lhim with a modicum of academic discipline in the study of chemistry. The fict that the resul to f that early endeavour was no more than a limited success academically and that,...

Plastics Pipes for Air Leads Hydraulic Systems & Fluidics

Author(s) : Siney 1970 Southampton

Consumption of a wide range of ~lastics FOI- pipe applications is increasing quite rapidly and of the more specialist applications those for air ieads, hydraulic systems and fluidics are some of the niost varied arid perhaps lesser known. Tubing is used extensively for process instrument air lines as single tubing or...

Plastics Pipes in the Gas Industry

Author(s) : Mather 1970 Southampton

Gas distributed by the Industry was for well over a century derived from coal and throughout this period the only changes of significance to the Distribution Engineer were those effecting a reduction in condensibles and contro! of the constituents which gave rise to interna! corrosion of pipes. During the last ten...

Plastics Piping for Building Services

Author(s) : Gay 1970 Southampton

in the original invitation to present this paper, I was asked to speak on Plastics Rainwater Goods. I am glad that I refused to do so : to have presented a paper as a knowledgeable authority on a particular product-group would have been dishonest and, in effect, a confidence trick upon the audience. Other authors...

Plastics Piping for Higher Temperature Use

Author(s) : Dodson 1970 Southampton

More than 40 years ago synthetic resins in combination with inert fillers were being used as construction materials, especially in the electrical industries, where their high insulation properties were of considerable value. These early developments were mainly involved with laminations from resin impregnated paper...

Plastics Piping for Telephone Cable Ducts

Author(s) : Rata 1970 Southampton

Since the early days of telecommunications the British Post Office has used ducts to provide a flexible cabling system which allows prior provision for development and facilitates the renewal and recovery of faulty lengths of cable. For the past half century the majority of ducts laid have been manufactured from...

Plastics Soil Waste and Drainage Systems

Author(s) : Catterick 1970 Southampton

In view of the thousands of tons of plastics pipes and fittings which are now used in the Building Industry in these applications it is difficult to believe that none of these products was available before 1960. Initially, rigid PVC rainwater goods were marketing in 1961, and these were such a success that PVC...

Reinforced Plastics for Process Pipe Work & Plant

Author(s) : Gray 1970 Southampton

The Paper considers some of the fundamental problems in the design of reinforced plastics, out lining the major engineering concepts which are applied when designing pipework, or plant in such materials. To be able to demonstrate the major differences between conventional materials and reinforced plastics, the...

Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Requirements in Plastics Piping

Author(s) : Dorey 1970 Southampton

The purchase and installation of pipework constitutes an appreciable proportion of the total cost and weight of a ship. On a modern frigate 4% of the total materials cost for the ship is absorbed by pipework and fittings and when it is remembered that the huge cost of guns, fire control and other electronic equipment...

Some Case Histories on the Use of Plastics Pipes

Author(s) : Ellis 1970 Southampton

in opening the paper I think I should first explain that I propose :ca deviate a little from the precise subject described in the title. When the !itle wzs agreea with the Organising Secretary, ! was under the impression that my company organisation was a good deal better than it now appears to be and, to my cost, !...

The Choice of Plastics for Gas Distribution Systems

Author(s) : Benjamin 1970 Southampton

The Dutch Gas Institute have made two surveys of the use of plastic pipes in the Nethelands. The first survey was made in 1964 and the second survey was made in 1968. The most important facts of these two surveys are given in Table 1, together with an estimate of the current situation. It is estimated that 80% of the...

The Development of Plastics Valves

Author(s) : Young 1970 Southampton

In the early development of plastics for pipelines, particularly those that were to be employed in the transmission of corrosive fluids, it very soon became apparent that it would be necessary to control the flow of the fluids with valves constructed of material similar to that of the pipeline instead of with metal...

The Durability of Plastics

Author(s) : Gale, Pacitti 1970 Southampton

The above definition is as applicable to the plastics materials of the 20th century as it was in the days of the Victorian engineers. In the present case the "given state" is that of maintaining an adequate level of properties for performing a desired function in any given application. To put the problem in more...

The Spectrum of Polymers - Recent Developments

Author(s) : Van der Vegt 1970 Southampton

The family of thermoplastics has, over the past few decades, been :I>e fastest growing group of materials, the overall growth rate of plastics production and consumption being about 15% per annum. An approximately constant fraction of the total plastics production (about 3%) is applied in pipes, in other words, the...

The Structural Requirements of Plastic Gravity Systems

Author(s) : Carter 1970 Southampton

Some years ago the Building Research Station published N. R. S. 32 (1) relating to the design of underground sewer pipelines where rigid pipes are to be used. The mriterls intention is to produce a complementary document for the guidance of designing engineers in respect of plastics pipes for use as underground...

The Use of Plastics Pipes in Agricultural Land Drainage

Author(s) : Trattford 1970 Southampton

Up to the present rnoment plastics pipe has not made large inroaas into the field drainage market in tnis country. However its arSrival on the scene rnark:s the first major- change in ihe materials used in the drainage industry for 150 gears. It aiso comes at a time when rising labour costs are encouraging increased...

Thermoplastics as Engineering Materials

Author(s) : Bacon 1970 Southampton

Thermoplastics are already regarded in many branches of engineering as essential raw materials - essential because they offer combinations of economy, design freedom, ease of processing and end-product properties not offered by other materials. Thus they enable the engineer to solve problems that would be too costly...

Members of the Association

BOREALISBOROUGEFormosa Plastics CorporationHanwha TotalEnergiesINEOS O&PIRPCKorea Petrochemical IND. Co., LTD (KPIC)LyondellBasellORLEN UnipetrolPetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical CompanyPRIME POLYMERSABICSCG Chemicals & Thai PolyethyleneSinopecTASNEE