Korea Petrochemical IND. Co., LTD (KPIC)

Founded in 1970, KPIC established a synthetic resins production plant in Korea for the first time, thereby laying the foundation for the petrochemical industry in Korea. World-class technology and quality competitiveness give KPIC a world-class reputation as one of the best partners in the world. KPIC makes every effort to achieve sustainable growth and development by not only strengthening key businesses but also by exploring new businesses for growth and acquiring new engines for the future growth.
Becoming a first class global company, KPIC will concentrate its own capacity on heightening the company's reputation and maximizing customer satisfaction through constant management renewal, research and development.
At the same time, KPIC will reward customers’ trust and love by assuming social responsibilities as a company whose philosophy requires respect for human beings.
more info www.kpic.co.kr