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PE100+ Association
Promoting usage of HDPE piping & trust in high quality PE materials

PE pipes seminars in Morocco

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PE100+ Association held in June 2013,  together with Aristegui Maquineria,  the Spanish leading  supplier  of welding equipment for plastic pipes,  technical l seminars with two major  players of  the water distribution in Morocco: the first one with Lydec in Casablanca , the second one at  the training center of ONEP in Rabat .

The seminars, specially prepared for the employees of these two water companies, covered several topics related to PE pipes for drinking water ; quality requirements for  PE materials  & PE pipes, environmental benefits of PE pipes, weld inspections, welding techniques, and ended with life demonstrations of butt- fusion and electrofusion welding. Very good discussions and exchange with the participants contributed to the success of the two events. 

Group picture 1    Group picture morocco 2

Last update Friday 05 July 2013

Members of the Association

BOREALISBOROUGEFormosa Plastics CorporationHanwha TotalEnergiesINEOS O&PIRPCKorea Petrochemical IND. Co., LTD (KPIC)LyondellBasellORLEN UnipetrolPetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical CompanyPRIME POLYMERSABICSCG Chemicals & Thai PolyethyleneSinopecTASNEE