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PE100+ Association new website

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The new PE100+ website is launched !

The new PE100+ website is launched!

Please spend a few moments browsing throughout !

 You will notice numerous improvement, aiming at helping you getting  all PE 100+ materials and  pipes information, in an even faster and  easier navigation way. You will notice:

  • A fresh and bright new design
  • A new ergonomy, by which the whole website becomes even more friendly
  • A much more powerful search engine within  all PPCA articles
Last update Saturday 26 January 2019

Members of the Association

BOREALISBOROUGEFormosa Plastics CorporationHanwha TotalEnergiesINEOS O&PIRPCKorea Petrochemical IND. Co., LTD (KPIC)LyondellBasellORLEN UnipetrolPetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical CompanyPRIME POLYMERSABICSCG Chemicals & Thai PolyethyleneSinopecTASNEE