Meeting of the PE100+ Association and Chinese Plastic Pipe Standards Committee Members
On 2nd Sep. 2024 the PE100+ association visited the Plastic Pipe Systems sub-committee of the China National Plastic Products Standardization Technical Committee.
The association’s president introduced the association and talked about developments in the European PE pipe market including the growth of multilayer pipes, the use of PE100 in manufacturing large structures and the development of specialist materials for demanding applications. He also explained how the European and ISO standards have developed to cover some of these applications.
Professor Aiming Xiang explained the role of their committee and recent work on updating standards. The two organisations discussed existing international standards and test methods for evaluating the oxidative resistance of Polyethylene (PE) pipe to chlorinated water and how this could help in drafting the relevant Chinese standards. Both parties agreed that there is a lot of scope for future cooperation in the development of standards.