18th PE 100+ Association Advisory Board Meeting

Athens was the location of PE100+’s advisory board meeting this year. Our expert panel from several countries outside and inside Europe came together for the 18th edition of this meeting on June 8, 2017.
Hans Pierik as president of the PE100+ association welcomed the members of the advisory committee and started with a review of our 2016 activities and projects which included the European and Asian communications efforts: presentations held at TEPPFA Forum, Kuala Lumpur No dig conference, UK no dig conference, PPXVIII in Berlin, Bejing no dig conference. In addidion the latest PE100+ image brochure has been issued.
Following this review, activities planned for 2017 were shared including the promotion of our new website, participation to various conferences and follow-up of technical studies.
For this year’s meeting, we had decided to change the format compared to previous events to allow more interaction and discussion during the full day.
With this, the conference continued with very interesting contributions by the guest speakers, followed by discussion and workshops:
- Standardisation update & Butt fusion harmonization project – Steve Beech, SHB
- PPI Governemental and advocacy - Tony Radoszewski, PPI
- DVGW project on alternative SCG test methods – Werner Wessing, E.ON
- Ductile iron pipe in water supply systems/Benchmarking and Comparative study – Tom Sangster, Downley Consultants Ltd
PE100+ would like to express their gratitude to the members of the advisory board for the fruitful discussion and their valuable input to the activities of the association. A special thanks to the guest speakers for their preparation and excellent presentations.
The next meeting of the advisory board will take place in Riga on June 7, 2018.