Plastic Pipes Conference Association # 2021 Amsterdam
Dustin Langston
The design and installation of polyethylene systems can be complex, specifically due to the many applications and environmental conditions that surround those systems. Online design tools have been developed to address this complexity and the various factors that must be considered. These online tools used widely in North America, aide engineers with planning installation using horizontal directional drilling (HDD), surge and service life analysis and pressure ratings for polyethylene pipe systems. For HDD installation, the online tool accounts for key factors such as deflection, unconstrained collapse, compressive wall stress, pull back force (which includes consideration of capstan effect), and maximum tensile stress. These are calculated based on the input by the user which in turn tailors the scenario to a specific installation path and soil strata. For surge and service life analysis, the tool calculations are based on the American Water Works Association (AWWA) methodology for C901 (1/2 tubing – 3” OD) and C906 (4” – 63”) polyethylene pipe used in water distribution and transmission systems. The user can evaluate the effects of design velocities of recurring and occasional surge, working pressure, service temperature and minimum design life requirements. For the polyethylene pipe design tool, a new feature is added for design of polyethylene systems utilizing chlorine or chloramine as a disinfectant. The oxidative resistance methodology, for potable water systems, was introduced into key ASTM standards in 2014. Keyconsiderations comprise the water pH, disinfectant type and residual level, working pressure and the oxidative resistance category. This tool can also be used to calculate pressure ratings, burial stresses, supported span distance and much more. All tools have aided design engineers and have also expanded the growth of plastic pipe systems in many markets. This paper highlights their development and the key aspects of each tool. In addition. a case study on the utilization of these online tools will be presented demonstrating the ease and relevance to the engineering community. This case study will be presented from the perspective of a user of these tools, not a software developer. As a pipe manufacturing engineer, I regularly use these tools to educate and inform pipeline designers, field personnel and utility staff on polyethylene pipe.
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