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Complex Yield Behaviour of PE100 Resin on Plane Strain Tensile Specimen [PE]


Plastic Pipes Conference Association # 2001 Munich

Choi, Lee, Broutman, Edwards, Palermo, Cho, Choi, Park

In recently designated plane strain grooved tensile (PSGT) methodology of ASTM F2018 standard, a groove in the direction perpendicular to the loading axis allows biaxial stress state to be generated under a uniaxial loading. The biaxial stress state produced very closely approximates the internally pressurized pipes and hence recommended as an alternate test method to actual pipe testing. In this work the function of the groove in changing the stress state when allowed to vary the groove angle with respect to the loading axis is numerically and experimentally investigated. The results indicated that the yield load of PE100 resin, initially decrease from the plane strain angle of zero degree and attained a minimum value at 35° and the load then rapidly increases for higher groove angles. It was determined that at 35° a uniaxial stress state prevailed and a maximum value of von-Mises stress existed.

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