Posters - Additional Information
Plastic Pipes Conference Association # 2001 Munich
Scholten, Gueugnaut, Berthier
Detergents of the type nonylphenol ethoxylate (NPE) are often used in PE pipe tests at 80°C like the Full Notch Creep Test, Cone test and Constant Load test. However, evidence is presented that this class of detergents is very vulnerable to oxidation by oxygen from the air surrounding the tests baths. This leads to a lower concentration of active detergent and hence to unreliable failure times and failure rates. Although excluding oxygen from the tests baths can stop this oxidation, effective protective chemicals like antioxidants are not available. Moreover, discussions about environmental problems caused by metabolites of NPE detergents in the aquatic environment have caused a very large reduction in the use of these substances. They may become less readily available in future. An alternative detergent TeepolTM is presented which shows a constant activity in Cone tests on PE pipe materials during more than 1600 hours at 80°C. Consequently this detergent is recommended for use in FNC, constant load and Cone tests. A discussion in standardisation committees involved in these types of tests is proposed.
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Author(s) : Dominique GUEUGNAUT, Manuel TESSIER, Romuald BOUAFFRE
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Author(s) : Frans Scholten, Ernst van der Stok
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Author(s) : Dominique GUEUGNAUT, Florent ANGELINI, Romuald BOUAFFRE, Manuel TESSIER
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Author(s) : Frans Scholten, Ernst van der Stok, Jan Breen
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Author(s) : Frans Scholten
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Author(s) : GUEUGNAUT Dominique, ANGELINI Florent, BOUJLAL Adil, BOUAFFRE Romuald, SEVRE Bertrand, LOUET Patrick
Polyethylene (PE) is a widespread material for the manufacturing of gas and water distribution pipelines and a large number of PE electrofusion pipe joints can be found over the thousands of kilometres of PE pipeplines all over the world, thus generating an increasing interest in checking the quality of these joints....
Author(s) : Chebbo Z., Boujlal A., Gueugnaut D., Vincent M., Tillier Y.
(Electrofusion, Finite Element, Heat transfer, Interdiffusion, crystallisation and melting Kinetics, Micro-sampling) Electrofusion (EF) is widely used to join polyethylene (PE) components in the gas distribution networks. This paper provides experimental and 3D-finite element tool capable of reproducing the major...
Author(s) : Gueugnaut Dominique, Boujlal Adil, Rousselot Denise, Bouaffre Romuald
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Author(s) : Van der Stok, Scholten
The Strain Hardening (SH) test developed by Kurelec et al. has been applied to a variety of PE pipe and resin materials. The clear trend in the strain hardening modulus, of first, second and third generation PE pipe resins and PE100 RC pipe resins, illustrates the large progress in resin quality during the past four...
Author(s) : Gueugnaut Dominique
(Polyethylene, Non destructive technique, Ultrasonic Phased Array, Slow Crack initiation time) Since a few years it has been proved that - among the available concepts - the Ultrasonic Phased-Array technique (PA UT) was one of the most promising candidate for Non Destructive and Non Intrusive analysis of PE and...