Plastic Pipes Conference Association # 2016 Berlin
Tomoyuki Kobayashi, Shigeru Ogasawara, Satoshi Nishijima, Hiroki Ohzeki, Shinichi Nishiyama
In this paper, it is reported the development and product design of CIPP with Biomass resin, “Furan resin”. To satisfy the both properties of Long Pot-life and enough curing speed of resin as the application of CIPP, latest hardener of acid catalyst was very effective to achieve the both properties shown above. And to prevent the cured Furan resin from shrinking largely, low shrinkage agent was found to be useful for promoting Diels-Alder reaction occurred in each Furan molecule itself.
Furan resin has a very high environmental performance because it is carbon neutral, inexpensive and reuses non-competitive crop waste, that is because the resin is derived from agricultural waste such as corn cobs and bagasse. The biomass resin can contributes to the production of a environmentally sustainable product that helps address issues such as the lack of oil resources and global warming. The application of Furan resin to CIPP (Cured in Place Pipe) means the contribution to long-term Carbon Stock Cycle since the rehabilitating pipe which is produced from agricultural waste containing lots of carbon elements would be utilized for over 50 years. In addition to that, Furan resin does not contain the styrene monomer which is the one of dangerous materials. Therefore as the 1st stage we adapted the Furan resin to the rehabilitating pipe for sewer field in European market where the Non-styrene CIPP is expanding. At the same time, the resin has also been applied to the rehabilitating pressure pipe in the Japanese market.
In this paper, the development and product design of CIPP with Furan resin are shown. The 1st challenge was is to satisfy the both properties of Long Pot-life and enough curing speed so that the resin could be used for CIPP applications. The team discovered that the latest hardener of acid catalyst was very effective to achieve the both properties shown above. The other challenge was to prevent the cured Furan resin from shrinking excessively. A low shrinkage agent was found to be useful for promoting Diels-Alder reaction occurred in each Furan molecule itself. In addition to these techniques, general technical design for the CIPP development will be discussed in our presentation.
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