Plastic Pipes Conference Association # 2014 Chicago
André Nijland, Frans Alferink
PVC-U is used around the globe for potable water supply and sewer applications. This is due to its strength and stiffness as well as to its excellent flow properties. PVC-U shows an excellent performance in protecting the potable water quality. And it is registered that failure rates of PVCU pipelines are very low. PVC-U has proven that it is able to maintain these excellent properties in a predictable way exceeding 50 years. It is a very sustainable pipeline material.
To further improve the excellent properties of PVC-U, the Plastic Pipe Industry has developed a new generation PVC, called oriented PVC (PVC-O).
In the first part of this paper a summary of PVC-O and its outstanding properties will be presented. The continuous in-line biaxial extrusion process will be highlighted. It will be explained why water companies and contractors appreciate the application of PVC-O.
In the second part of this paper, attention will be drawn to the possibility of creating PVC-O BiAx pipelines with demountable tensile resistant joints. 3 types of joints for PVC-O BiAx pipe will be described. For 2 types, solvent cement is used whereas the 3rd jointing method concerns a mechanical coupling. Using cement jointed couplers in combination with PVC-O BiAx pipe will be illustrated and the sound use of it will be shown in a directional drilling case.
Finally a 400-mm PVC-O BiAx pipeline project in the Netherlands will be discussed. In this project, demountable solvent cement welded tensile resistant joints are applied.
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