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Evaluation of Aged Plastics Pipes Used in Natural Gas Distribution Systems [PE]


Plastic Pipes Conference Association # 1988 Bath

Duvall, Nylander, Broutman

Thermoplastic gas distribution piping has been utilized in the United States for over 25 years. However, there is little data available on how such materials age in a service environment and how such aging might affect future performance. In this program, polyethylene pipe samples that were removed from actual gas service have been subjected to a number of physical and mechanical tests to assess aging effects. Aged pipe samples have also been tested for resistance to squeeze off; a commonly used emergency flow control procedure.
This program was initiated by the Gas Research Institute (GRI) in 1984 to evaluate the condition of thermoplastic piping used for the distribution of natural gas in the United States. Over 200 individual samples of polyethylene pipe and a limited number of samples of PVC pipe were provided by gas utility companies.

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