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PE technical guidance
HDPE Pipe technical guidance (High quality Polyethylene Pipes)

How can PE pipe be connected to other pipe materials?

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PE100 pipe can be connected to pipe in other materials by a range of mechanical fittings available from the relevant manufacturers. These can either be transition couplers to connect the pipes together directly or flange connections.

Transition couplers typically consist of an outer body compatible with the size of the pipes to be joined, an elastomeric sealing ring to provide the leak tightness and an internal pipe stiffener to provide long term integrity. It is imperative that the correct pipe sizes are specified when ordering the fittings to ensure compatibility of the pipes and fittings.

Flange fittings can be fused directly onto the PE pipe to provide a conventional bolted connection to the other pipe material or ancillary equipment.


ISO 9623:1997 PE/metal and PP/metal adapter fittings for pipes for fluids under pressure - Design lengths and size of threads - Metric series
ISO 3663:1976 Polyethylene (PE) pressure pipes and fittings, metric series - Dimensions of flanges
ISO 9624:1997 Thermoplastics pipes for fluids under pressure - Mating dimensions of flange adapters and loose backing flanges
ISO/TS 10839:2000 Polyethylene pipes and fittings for the supply of gaseous fuels - Code of practice for design, handling and installation

Related keywords : hdpe flange adapter dimensions, how to connect hdpe pipe, flange connection for pipes, pipe materials, hdpe flange adapter installation, hdpe pipe flange connections, how to connect pipes together, pipe be, pe pipe fittings, material pe, pipe to pipe connection

Last update Tuesday 19 March 2024

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