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New technology on oriented PVC



Plastic Pipes Conference Association # 2012 Barcelona

Rob G. Spekreijse

Although OPVC (equal to PVC-O) exists already for 4 decades, it is only the last 10 years beneficial for production due to better-developed technologies and widespread acceptance by different standards and norms. The rise of the environmental question to produce with lower material use, lower energy use and better carbon footprint, makes OPVC the solution for pipe in the coming years, especially pipes used for water transportation, potable water as well as waste water. The advantages of OPVC compared to non-polymer solutions in pipe are fabulous. Not only the carbon footprint of OPVC is by far much better than traditional solutions like Ductile Iron, but also corrosion, a major problem in Ductile Iron piping, is history with OPVC. All other advantages of OPVC are listed and discussed. Newest information makes that OPVC, for water pipe installations, is even a better solution than PO solutions like PE100. To produce OPVC, 4 different technologies are known. There are two off-line solutions and two in-line solutions developed in the last 40 years. The 4 different solutions are described and compared to each other. OPVC is the sustainable and reliable solution with chances to be developed widely.

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