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Flyde Coast - MDPE Marine Outfalls [PE]


Plastic Pipes Conference Association # 1995 Edinburgh


North West Water provides water and waste services to 7 million people in the north west of England; in so doing the company invests about E400M of capital each year. 

The Fylde Coastal Waters Improvements Scheme is a key component of NWW's f500M programme of investment on new and improved waste water systems aimed at cleaning up the whole of the NW coastline. 

This is Blackpool, the main tourist resort on the Fylde coastline. 

Under the existing arrangements, wastewater that has had little treatment (ususlly fine screening) is discharged to sea on a tidal regime through short sea outfalls. 

In simple terms, the FCWIS is the collection and treatment of waste water whch at present is discharged untreated to sea causing pollution of the Fylde's bathing waters. The European Union's Bathing Water Directive requires that the 8 designated bathing water's on this coast must comply by the 1996 bathing season. 

The area is drained by a combined system; the waste water from domestic and commercial properties is carried in the same sewers generally as the rainfall. 

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BOREALISBOROUGEFormosa Plastics CorporationHanwha TotalEnergiesINEOS O&PIRPCKorea Petrochemical IND. Co., LTD (KPIC)LyondellBasellORLEN UnipetrolPetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical CompanyPRIME POLYMERSABICSCG Chemicals & Thai PolyethyleneSinopecTASNEE