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Alternative Stabilisers for PVC Pipes and Fittings


Stabilisers & Manufacturing

Plastic Pipes Conference Association # 2004 Milan


A status quo of the stabilisation of PVC pipes will be given first followed by the different political and environmental impacts on the currently used lead stabilisation. A prediction about further trends in the European pipe market will be tried. In the second part of the presentation an overview over the different alternative stabiliser systems for lead replacement will be given. Ca-based stabilisers such as Ca/Zn systems and Ca-organic systems will be discussed in detail. Their correspondences in composition and performance will be pointed out as well as their inherent differences. Further on tin based stabilisers will be discussed as a second alternative for lead replacement. Also here there will be some facts about their composition and performance. In the next part it will be shown that although all alternatives are a valuable way for lead replacement - there are different pro’s and con’s for the alternative stabiliser systems based on calcium or tin. Their discussion will be followed by a technical and commercial comparison of the systems and a final statement.

Please note that the whole article content is available on PPCA website only :

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