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The Use of Plastics Pipes of Tomorrow [PE, PVC]


Plastic Pipes Conference Association # 1995 Edinburgh


Thermoplastic pipes have achieved a considerable share of the market over the years in the Nordic countries. PVC and PE pipes together account for more than 90% of the market for municipal water distribution lines and around 75% of the market for municipal drains and sewers. The consumption of plasticpipespercapitais higherin theNordiccountries than in the rest of Europe. Thermoplastic pipes are deemed to have a good chance of increasing their share of the market in many countries in Europe. Structured-wall pipes will be cost competitive with concrete pipes, even in relatively large diameters. However, to gain acceptance for such pipes,theplastic pipe industry has a huge task to educate users about how flexible pipes behave in ground. Environmental aspects concerning the choice of pipe materials are expected to become more important in the future. Thermoplastic pipes will probably score high if life cycle analyses (LCA studies) are made for different pipe materials.

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