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The Growing Interest in High Pressure



Plastic Pipes Conference Association # 1985 York


The main characteristics of filament wound GRE (= glass reinforced epoxy) piping are discussed and some comparisons with other materials are made. It is conclud~d this system's excellent mechanical properties combined with its outstanding chemical resistance make it very suitable for all conditions where materials like steel or cast-iron would be liable to environmental corrosive attack. Furthermore some new trends are discussed which could still enhance the already great number of applications. These are both towards larger diameters in to-day's high pressure classes and towards extremely high pressure systems in the small diameter pipe range. Especially noteworthy are the new 63 and 80 bar systems, meant for oil field applications. In the paragraph on the NAM pilot project the latter are treated more in detail.

Please note that the whole article content is available on PPCA website only :

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