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Modeling migration from plastic pipes into drinking water



Plastic Pipes Conference Association # 2016 Berlin

P. Mercea, A. Kalisch, O. Piringer

The theoretical estimation of migration processes from plastic pipes into drinking water is a versatile and recognized method to assess their compliance with the existing regulations and guidelines. However the quality of these estimations depends on the accuracy with which the input data for the calculations is provided. In this respect in the framework of a TEPPFA-FABES project experimental investigations were conducted with a series of plastic materials (polyolefins) with the aim to develop refined methods for the estimation of the diffusion and partition coefficients needed for the theoretical calculations. The results of these investigations are summarized in this work along with the presentation of two examples of migration estimations according to the EN-12873-1 norm.

Please note that the whole article content is available on PPCA website only :

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