Pipes for Use Inside Buildings
Plastic Pipes Conference Association # 2001 Munich
The most important requirement for a pipe in H & C water applications is that it remains trouble free throughout its life time. The life span of a piping system is influenced by the fluid conveyed through it; the external environment of the pipe (sunlight, grease, etc.); and the pipes operating-conditions (temperature, pressure, etc.).
As metallic pipes are susceptible to corrosion, the life span of these pipes is affected.
There are many uncontrollable factors that make predicting the exact life-span of a system virtually impossible.
Plastic pipes are not affected by corrosion. The pipe material; the wall thickness; and the operating temperature and pressure are all varying factors that determine the systems life span.
Multi layered pipe (Pex-Al-Pex) has increased its market share, an increase influenced by changed water quality and the associated corrosion and scale problems associated with metallic pipes.
Over recent years ‚open systems‘ exemplified by a storage tank in the roof, have been superseded by sealed/pressurised systems with the advent of ‚Combination boilers‘.
Corrosion in the heating sector is of secondary importance. In this case the installation criteria considerably more important.