PE100+ Association

Newsletter January 2015 (PE100+ Association)

Envoyée le Thursday 29 January 2015
par PE100+ Association
Creating Trust in High Quality PE Pipes#NUMERO#
PE Pipes
Congratulation to Manoleva Gordana from Konti-Hidroplast Congratulation to Manoleva Gordana from Konti-Hidroplast

The 15th anniversary game is over, and the lucky winner is....

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LCA Study : a significant contribution to sustainable developementLCA Study : a significant contribution to sustainable developement

In 2014, PE100+ Association has sponsored a study aiming at comparing LCA of large diameter PE pipes with ductile iron pipes. The results are now available on our website.

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Plastic Pipes XVII , Chicago 2014Plastic Pipes XVII , Chicago 2014

Once again, Plastic Pipes XVII in Chicago 2014 was an unique opportunity to evidence the dynamism of the plastic sector. Innovative applications like water management to mitigate flood or drought,...

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